Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Of Mice and Men Blog

Prompt: Describe the atmosphere of the ranch and bunkhouse. 
Why doesn't Curley's wife have a name?
Of Mice and Men
by John Steinbeck
Pages 38 - 107
Status: Almost halfway there

     In class, we are reading a book called, "Of Mice and Men," written by John Steinbeck. This book is about two traveling migrant workers, George and Lennie, seeking a job for money. They had to drink dirty water and eat beans in order to live. They finally get a job and hope that it goes swell and get their pay. They convince Lennie by giving him the rabbits and letting him have a mouse after they get paid. Now, they hope that they do not screw this up.

     George and Lennie's workplace is not the best, but it is all they can get. The bunkhouse has bugs in their beds, which makes it hard to sleep sometimes worrying if there are bugs on you. In the Novella, it says, "What the $&^% kind of bed you giving us, anyways? We don't want no pants rabbits." What this means is that George does not want to sleep with bugs. He hates the beds, so he complains. The bunkhouse and the ranch seems to be run by two people, Slim and the Boss. The boss's son does not seemed to be taken seriously around the workers and more respected towards Slim. Slim treats others with respect and with manners that made everyone follow his rules. Not to mention that he looks tough in all. The boss is the boss, it is self-explanatory.

     One of the reasons why I think that Curley's wife does not have a name is to be incognito. Before I begin, they describe the wife with, "She had full rouged lips and wide-spaced eyes, heavily made up." She seems too good to be true. She has to be hiding something. Curley's wife had given people, "The Eye." What this means is that she his flirting with others just by looking. That gave me the red flag and focused on her. So, in my words, Curley's wife does not have a name because she didn't tell Curley or it is a fake name. Just in case the police comes, she has an alias so she will not be caught.

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